A Guide to NFT Digital Music

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A Guide to NFT Digital Music

Why You’ll Want to Purchase this Pre-Written Article

  • This paper analyzes the following statement: “Ever since it became possible to stream music digitally, musicians have struggled to mitigate the economic impact of easy, often copyright-violated access to musical creations. The innovation of NFTs may present a long-term solution for artists who have seen a reduction in the sales of their music or who are seeing their music distributed without their permission.”
  • Creative Commons (CC-BY) is the license associated with this article/ product once purchased
  • 1,250-word article is only AUD 9.99!
  • Please Note: This article has been previously purchased by one of our Customers


A Guide to NFT Digital Music

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  • The Creative Commons License (CC-BY) lets the purchaser distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work for this purchased product, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation
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Sample Text From This Article

“So that means cash money is fungible–it is replaceable by another bill of equivalent value. But NFTs are non-fungible. They are unique identifiers, a kind of digital certification of authenticity. When you buy anything that is NFT backed, you have proof of ownership no matter how many other copies of the item there may be. In fact, it is your unique proof of ownership that gives the item its value.”


Meta Description for this Article

“In a world where our digital and physical realities are increasingly merged, NFT backed music is the wave of the future. Read on to discover how NFTs are helping bridge the gap between musicians and their fans in a way that benefits both.”

  • 43 words used
  • 237 characters used (with spaces)

Meta Description – HTML code:

<meta name=”description” content=”In a world where our digital and physical realities are increasingly merged, NFT backed music is the wave of the future. Read on to discover how NFTs are helping bridge the gap between musicians and their fans in a way that benefits both.”/>

Keywords & Frequency Used for this Article

Frequency – (Percentage within Article) – Keyword

20  (4%)  NFTs
16  (3%)  NFT
16  (3%)  music
15  (3%)  digital
10  (2%)  art
9  (2%)  unique
9  (2%)  technology
7  (1%)  musicians

Article Writing Brief - 'A Guide to NFT Digital Music'

This paper attempts to analyze the following statement:

“Ever since it became possible to stream music digitally, musicians have struggled to mitigate the economic impact of easy, often copyright-violated access to musical creations. The innovation of NFTs may present a long-term solution for artists who have seen a reduction in the sales of their music or who are seeing their music distributed without their permission.”

Referencing Used

The Referencing style used with this article:

  1. Minimum 4 x credible, peer-reviewed articles and respected websites
  2. 1 x free/ full rights image courtesy of Unsplash
  3. A separate, formatted Reference section is at the end of the article

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